Hydroponics Training Program Concluded Successfully

CHOCO carried out hydroponics training programmed in Gemanafushi, from August 4th to September 10th 2010. Two batches were conducted; total of 74 participants from Gemanafushi successfully completed the training program and was awarded with certificates. There were and 43 female and 31 male, most participants aged 15-25.

“Hydroponics Training” was a training program of CHOCO, which is funded by Technical and Vocation Education and Training (TVET). Hydroponics Training program attempted to teach the people about the technique of hydroponics. It taught the basics of building the system, basics of agriculture and practical matters to deal with. The purpose of the training is to bring out more people in to the field of agriculture and train people in an area where a market is growing continuously.

The program taught by Mr. Ibrahim Shiyam, a qualified trainer who was trained at H.A Hanimaadhoo hydroponics plant of Ministry of Agriculture, on an initiative by CHOCO. He has the license to teach hydroponics.

CHOCO would like to acknowledge the assistance rendered by Dhammaru Jamiyya of G.A. Gemanafushi. And also help provided by Gemanafushi School was also noteworthy.

A sequential program is being planned to be implemented in G.Dh. Thinadhoo in the near future. The agreement was signed with TVET in October 2009, but after long delays in obtaining funding, the funds were eventually finalized in July 2010. But that was also only the advance payment and the rest of funds are yet to receive. CHOCO will carry out sequential programs when the remaining funds are received.


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